Explore The World Of Organic Cotton Clothing To Make A Smarter Choice
When you go to buy your favorite cotton products, chances are you will notice that there are more and more options that are labeled as “organic cotton.” While many people know the benefits of eating organic food, the average person doesn’t realize that it is also important to consider buying organic clothing as well. While food with pesticides, GMOs and chemicals can end up in your stomach and in your system and do harm. A similar effect can happen when you put toxic clothes on your body. Your skin has so many pores and this large organ can absorb all of these toxins very easily.
All of those processed, chemical-filled clothes can do some serious damage when you wear them all day long. This is why it is important to consider organic cotton clothing, instead of traditional cotton pieces when you have the choice. If you haven’t yet explored the world of organic cotton clothing, here are a few reasons why you should give it a try.
Better For Sensitive Skin, Children, Allergies
Classic Organic Cotton Zip Hoodie
There are a lot of different people who only wear organic cotton clothing when they have the choice. This is because organic cotton is great for those with certain sensitivities, and it can be a must for certain individuals. If you have sensitive skin or allergies, you will find that organic cotton is a great option if you are worried that certain materials my cause itching or make your skin uncomfortable.
The great thing about organic cotton is that you don’t have to worry about any chemicals or pesticides ending up on your clothing. If you have allergies or skin sensitives then you know that even the slightest encounter with chemicals like this can cause a very serious and very uncomfortable reaction.
This is why organic cotton is the preferred option for so many people like this. Organic cotton clothing is also idea for babies and small children. Little kids and babies have notoriously sensitive skin as they are working on growing accustomed to the world around them. Any new parent knows that even the slightest foreign chemical can cause their baby’s delicate skin to have a reaction. With organic cotton clothing, there is much less of a chance that your child will have an adverse reaction.
Protects From Cancer Causing Agents
When it comes to being around cancer-causing agents, you can never be too careful. As more and more research is being done on the impact that different chemicals can have on your health and wellbeing, it is becoming more clear that many of the strong chemicals and toxins that are used in certain manufacturing facilities that actually contain cancer-causing agents.
Organic Cotton Quilt Crew
This is a very serious matter and typically while only trace amounts of these chemicals will end up on cotton and cotton clothing, they can still do damage. This is especially true if you are wearing this clothing all of the time, and even more prevalent for those with compromised immune systems who have be more sensitive to harmful chemicals like this.
When a piece of cotton clothing is certified organic, it not only means that there aren’t any chemicals used in making the clothing, but it also means that there are no pesticides and chemicals used when the cotton plant is being grown. These chemicals that some farms use can be filled with cancer-causing agents.
According to the World Wildlife Federation, about 10% of the pesticides used around the globe are actually used in cotton. Cotton is one of the most common textiles to have pesticides and chemicals in it, which is why it is such a smart idea to choose organic cotton instead. This means when you buy cotton clothing that is organic, you don’t have to worry about any of these toxins leaching in to your clothing and then leaching on to your skin. Remember, your skin is the biggest organ on your body and very porous, and even wearing a t-shirt that has these chemicals on it can end up doing some serious damage.
Does Not Use GMO’s
Over the past few years, there has been a lot of research on GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and all of the unwanted side effects that can come with them. GMOs have been used for a long time in the farming industry, but it wasn’t until recently that experts realized that GMOs can leach into the plant and then ultimately to whoever eats, wears or uses that plant.
Organic cotton plants are plants that are grown without GMOs.
Non-GMO seeds are used to grow cotton and natural cotton seeds have a number of great benefits. When you use GMO (or genetically modified) seeds, they require a lot of pesticides, which can cause harmful plant radiation.
Less Impact on The Environment
Organic Cotton Yoga Workout Tank Top
When you buy organic cotton clothing, it will have less of an impact on you when you wear and use these products. However, this organic cotton will also have less of an impact on the environment as well.
When cotton is grown without those harmful GMOs you not only don’t have to worry about these chemicals ending up in your clothing, but you also don’t ‘have to worry about it ending up in the planet. When runoff happens after spraying plants with this type of chemical, the GMOs can end up in the water, soil and even the surrounding plants.
Another great environmentally-friendly feature of organic cotton? Growing this type of plant actually requires less water!
Help Local Farmers and Factory Workers
When you make the decision to buy clothing that is made from organic cotton, you are making the decision to support local farmers and factory workers as well. There is a very human element involved with choosing organic cotton, over standard cotton. The farmers and factory workers who are working with this cotton all day are actually breathing in these pesticides all day everyday while they work and pick the cotton. The communities surrounding these farms and factories also may have poisoned waterways where they get their drinking from.
There are a lot of ways that these pesticides can end up harming the people who are around these farms and factories—and the effects can be very serious. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are about 20,000 people who die from pesticide-related issues every day. These pesticides can also cause immune system and developmental issues in children as well—and can even be linked to certain birth defects. This is why it is so important to make sure that these pesticides that are used to grow cotton are a thing of the past—so they don’t end up impacting people who work with these materials every day.
Fair Trade
Fair Trade focused clothing
When you buy organic cotton products you are actually supporting fair trade practices. Fair trade is a simple yet powerful concept—to pay those who grow crops and create products a fair price for their work. This means no child-labor and no sweat shops.
When you make the decision to buy an organic cotton piece of clothing, you are doing your part to support these fair wages for the individuals who work on making that product and make sure that they (not just the company behind them) are fairly compensated for all of their work. Fair trade practices have helped any people in developing countries, farmers and suffering factory workers from all across the world maintain a fair and better quality of life.
Organic Cotton is Softer, Durable And Lasts Longer
There are so many benefits of buying organic cotton. However, in addition to organic cotton being better for you, better for the environment and better for others—organic cotton clothing is also softer as well. Trust us, when you feel organic cotton you will be able to feel the difference between the organic version and the non-organic version. Whether you are buying an organic cotton t-shirt, sweater or even a blanket you will love the softer feel of this type of cotton.
Organic cotton is also known for being more durable as well. Without all of the extra chemicals and toxins breaking down the cotton fibers in the clothing, organic cotton pieces are known for being much more durable than their non-organic counterparts. While you may pay slightly more for your organic cotton clothing pieces because of the quality, you can expect them to be much more durable as well. Clothing pieces will last longer and can withstand more consistent use when they are made from organic cotton.
If all of the other benefits of organic cotton clothing didn’t convince you, hopefully the fact that they are a better investment will help sway you.
Benefit From The Comfort Of Organic Cotton Clothing
If you have been wondering if organic cotton clothing is for you, or what the real benefit of this type of clothing is—then hopefully this will help you gain a better understanding of what organic cotton clothing really is. There are so many great benefits that come with buying organic cotton clothing and now that you understand what these benefits are, you may be more inclined to start shopping for organic-only cotton products. With all of these great benefits, we know you will be happy if you give this clothing a try!
Rebekah Pierce is a professional social blogger and has worked on several online publications including Citrus Sleep. Rebekah is an experienced content writer and copyeditor. You will find many of her works throughout CitrusSleep.com that cover a wide array of subjects including sleep education, natural, sleep products, electronics, fashion and many more. She is passionate about her work and family.
Follow Lisa at Rebekah Pierce