Drift Off At Night With The Right Relaxing Sound
There are so many different “types” of sleepers out there. Some of us are all about getting to bed early, while other are night owls. Some are “morning people” while others need to hit the snooze several times to roll out of bed. Whether you are a heavy or a light sleeper, tend to snore or toss and turn—the most important thing about getting sleep is making sure you get enough of it.
Most sleep experts recommend that adults get between 7-9 hours of sleep each night. However, that is often easier said than done—most people don’t have enough time in their schedule or are too stressed from the day in order to get the sleep that they need. This is why it is so important to be able to fall asleep fast, so you spend less time tossing and turning in bed and more time actually getting the rest that you need.
One of the many ways that you can do this is by using the right relaxing sounds to help you drift off at night. There are many people who find that the noise can actually help them unwind, find a sense of peace and ultimately drift off to sleep so they can get more and better quality rest.
Modern Technology and Sleep
relaxing sounds for sleeping
The great thing about modern technology is that it has never been easier to take these sounds with you on your phone, meaning all you need to do is find the right sleep sound for you and you can easily put it on when you sleep—plus there are countless sleep sound apps out there that you can use to play these noises or even keep them on timers to help you sleep.
If you are looking for the right relaxing sound to try, we have an overview of some of the most popular sleep sounds, and their benefits so you can start exploring options to find the right fit for you.
White Noise
ocean sounds relax and sleep
White noise is perhaps the most common sleep sounds out there that people utilize for a better night of rest. It is even common for babies who struggle to fall asleep.
While noise is less about the actual sound you are listening to and more about blocking out the sounds you don’t want to listen to. If you are distracted by the sound of a car door shutting or the neighbor’s dog barking, then white noise is for you. It even helps people with snoring spouses.
White noise works in a couple of ways. First, it blocks distracting noises, which is why it is so great for people who are easily startled by unexpected noises when they are trying to get to sleep. It is also why this type of noise is common among people with insomnia.
Many times, individuals with insomnia will focus more on small noises and won’t be able to let them go—and white noise can help block out those distractions that only make their sleep issues worse. If you have tinnitus, or a constant ringing in your ear that is so bad it keeps you up at night, then a white noise machine can help drown out that buzzing sound.
The other way white noise helps is that it offers a very subtle, almost unnoticeable yet soothing sound that helps many people drift off to sleep. It is hard to describe the sound if you’ve never heard it before, it is most similar to the hum of a fan, and it isn’t rhythmic or musical, but just enough noise to drown out the things that you don’t want to hear.
White noise machines are very popular and you can buy them at most electronic or big-box stores. There are also apps that you can download that will help you get that white noise sound on your phone.
Ocean Sounds
rain sounds for sleep and relaxation
Ocean sounds are a popular option for those who are looking to be soothed to sleep at night. This should come as no surprise as most people love the relaxing sounds of the ocean when they visit the beach. For most people it is the rhythmic nature of the crashing waves that brings the sound of relaxation.
According to some sleep experts, the sound of waves and the ocean are powerful because they bring about a “non-threatening” sound and feeling. This makes ocean sounds a great option for people who can’t sleep at night because they are dealing with stress and anxiety.
Water Sounds
relaxing rain sounds for sleeping
While ocean sounds are the most popular water sounds for most people, this doesn’t mean that is the only option. There are other water options too. Light rain shower pattern, running stream sounds and even light waterfall noises are all great for those who want to relax and fall asleep.
There are so many different variations for “running water” noises, you just need to find one that you prefer. This can help you wind down after a stressful day so you can relax to get to sleep and this is a great option for those who are light sleepers and can be easily startled awake.
Running water sounds won’t have any disruptions in patters, such as the caw of a bird in jungle noises, that could potential disrupt your sleep pattern and wake you up—which is why so many sensitive sleepers enjoy this type of noise.
Nature Sounds
relaxing sounds
This is another all natural sound for people who want something that will relax them and encourage them to feel more at peace. If you have even been into a spa for a massage, you may notice that they tend to play these types of nature or rainforest sounds during treatments.
This is because nature sounds are known for help people relax. Typically, nature sounds are consistent and repetitive. They aren’t going to change tone or volume and they aren’t all-of-a-sudden going to bring in something new. They are designed to be easy for your brain to ignore, which is why they are great for sleeping.
One word of caution on nature sounds—if you are a light sleeper, you may want to take your nature sounds for a test drive first. Sometimes, nature soundtracks can include sharper animal sounds that some people may find more distracting than they realize.
Relaxing Music
Music can be such a powerful thing, and the right relaxing music can really go a long way in helping put you at ease so you can fall asleep. There has been so much research on the power of music, as it can help promote a lower blood pressure, reduce your heart rate and help keep a busy mind at ease. Of course, this can all be particularly helpful when you are trying to go to bed.
While different people will have different thoughts on what “relaxing music” is, classical music is a great place to start. Don’t necessarily listen to your favorite music when trying to go to sleep, sometimes it can have the opposite effect and actually cause your brain to light up with arousal.
Instead, try to find a slower, more relaxing song that you enjoy but doesn’t really invoke a sense of emotion. Typically, something with a rhythm between 60 and 80 beats per minute is ideal.
Pink Noise
relaxing music for sleep
Pink noise machines are not as common as white noise machines, but more and more people are still starting to turn to these devices when they need help getting some rest at night. There is actually a great deal of research behind pink noise and everything that it can do.
Research shoes that pink noise machines can actually help you break down brain waves, which will help you get those longer periods of sleep with fewer interruptions. This is one of the biggest issues that many people have with sleep—getting woken up in the middle of the night. If this sounds like you, then you may want to give pink noise a try.
Pink noise will cover up frequencies that you can normally hear and that will normally keep you up at night—just like white noise. However, if you don’t like the “hissing” tone of white noise (it sounds similar to static on a radio) then give pink noise a try. It is a slightly softer and smoother sound.
Soothing Voices
relaxing sleep music
We’ve all been there before when we’ve had someone’s gentle, soothing voice help us drift off to sleep. This could be intentional, such as when your parents read to you as a child, or unintentional, such as falling asleep during a lecture.
With this in mind, the right soothing voice can really help you fall asleep at night. For some people, this may be listening to a book on tape, but there are even more focused types of soothing voice sounds to try.
There are guided meditations designed specifically to help you relax and lull you to sleep. There are also sleep stories, which are created to have the right tone and cadence for relaxation. These stories typically don’t have much of a plot but are relaxing, gentles and designed to help you relax so you can drift off.
Give these soothing voice recordings a try, there are many different options out there, of both male and female voices and even people with different accents—it is a great solution if you aren’t as in to music or white noise when trying to get to sleep.
Sounds That Relax You
relaxing piano music for sleep
When it comes to finding the right noise to fall asleep to, sometimes you need to think outside the box. Everyone is different, so think about songs that relax you individually.
Some people prefer city noises and like the sounds of traffic to soothe them to sleep, others may like something repetitive like the ringing of a gong. There are sleep sound options for virtually every preference—even noises of busy restaurants or bustling kitchens.
You need to think about the types of sounds that you enjoy and what your ideal relaxation mode is, whether it is the sound of voices, the sound of a farm or a busy noise to distract you.
The key is finding something that lets your mind relax and unwind so that you can put yourself in a state to help you fall asleep—and stay asleep for the rest of the night. The best way to find the right noise for you is simply through trial and error—until you find what helps you get to sleep.
Add Relaxing Sounds To Your Nightly Sleep Routine
Getting enough sleep at night is important, but it can also be quite difficult. This is why adding the right relaxing sleep sounds and white noise to your nightly routine can help.
While you may not understand the full power of the right relaxing sleep sounds, until you try them—they can be a great way to help you relax, unwind and finally get the rest that you have been looking for. There is no risk in giving this approach a try, now all you need to do is determine which relaxing sleep sound you want to try first.
Shana Thompson is a full time professional writer and editor. Shana has worked extensively in the fields of content marketing, on-page and off-page SEO (guest posts, backlink acquisition), and creative writing. As an experienced pro content writer, Shana has worked on several magazines, publishing companies and marketing agencies. Many recent projects have included everything from nutrition and health services, where a lot of research and citations were needed, to writing about health, sustainable, eco-friendly products.
Follow Shana at Shana Thompson