Best Quarantine Date Ideas To Consider To Get Back To Normal
When it comes to the new normal we’re facing with the quarantine caused by the coronavirus pandemic, there’s no sugarcoating things - nothing about this is normal!
With all kinds of business shut down, from restaurants to movie theaters and bowling alleys, couples have had to get more creative with their date ideas. Many have found themselves foregoing date nights entirely. After all, you’re already spending 24 hours a day together in quarantine - why bother trying to squeeze in more quality time?
However, just because you're trying to practice social distance when it comes to you, as a couple, and other members of society, that doesn't mean that you should allow the distance to grow between you and your better half. It’s important that couples stay connected and find new ways to interact during quarantine - even if that means getting a bit creative with your date ideas!
Here are some of the best quarantine date ideas - for the new norm, or whatever you might choose to call it!
Virtual Dating Ideas
Quarantine Virtual Dating Ideas
If the quarantine has forced you and your better half apart, don’t panic - you can still have a relaxing, intimate date night even from separate zip codes. Just give some of these virtual dating ideas a try.
For starters, if you haven’t already downloaded Houseparty, the multiperson video chat app, it’s time to do so. It’s like Facetime but better, equipped with numerous game options that you can play without having to exit the app on your computer or phone. From guessing games to trivia, drawing, and anything in between, this app takes all the guesswork out of planning a fun virtual date night. The app will do everything for you! You just show up and impress.
Another tech device that can make a virtual date night more enjoyable is the Jackbox Party Pack. This is a bundle of multiplayer games meant to be played on devices like smart TVs, smartphones, or laptops. You’ll have to pay for each bundle, but it’s usually under $30 - far less than you’d spend on a regular date night, in fact! It doesn’t just have to be used for date night, either, with plenty of fun options for socially distanced family members and friends, too.
20 Questions
This is a fun quarantine date idea that’s perfect for new couples but can also spice things up for people who have been together for what seems like forever. Plus, 20 Questions is a game that can be played during in-person date nights as well as those apart, taking place over Facetime or a phone chat.
20 Questions Game - Quarantine Dating Ideas
Here are the rules: you think of a place, person, or thing. The other person can ask up to 20 years or no questions to figure out what you’re thinking about. You can also spice things up and make it 20 questions about each other, going back and forth as you learn more about each other. Chances are, you’ll find yourself going down a rabbit hole of excellent conversation - and probably forget you were playing a game in the first place!
THere’s another variation on this game you can play, too, and it’s called 36 Questions. In 36 Questions, you’ll make eye contact with your significant other and ask them 36 personal questions in three segments - the goal here is to get more intimate.
This is also a game you can play virtually, over FaceTime, but it’s best played in person where you can get up close and personal.
The pandemic has us all feeling a little more like Julia Child and a little less like going out for drinks and dinner - so why not take that inspiration to the next level and cook together on date night?
You don’t even have to be in the same room as your significant other in order to give this one a try. If you find yourself forced apart and having to engage in virtual date nights, try cooking the same recipe and then eat it together over FaceTime. You can send each other recipes in advance (check out Pinterest for some inspiration!) so that you have time to go shopping for the right ingredients. Then, do all the prep work and cooking (and of course, the eating!) together, either virtually or in-person.
Of course, if you’re lucky enough to be quarantined with your one and only, consider taking turns making romantic dinners. While dinnertime in the quarantine home tends to be a joint effort, taking on a more utilitarian approach, you may want to make things more romantic with a dedicated cooking night. One person takes full control one week, the other person tries their hand the next. Not having to lift a finger at dinnertime will undoubtedly feel quite luxurious - and quite romantic as a result.
Not a great cook? Why not take a virtual cooking class and use a slow cooker together to learn new skills? This is a classic date night idea that can be extremely fun when you do it together. There are all kinds of Zoom and virtual cooking classes online, including those that are more basic as well as those that are themed (learn how to make tapas from a pro chef, anyone?).
Take Your Cooking on the Road
...sort of! Once you’re done cooking a meal together, as per the date night idea listed above, why not go on a picnic? Taking your meal somewhere besides the confines of your kitchen can be a way to freshen up your routine and get a little air, too.
Grab your food, whether it’s the fancy meal you just cooked or some cheese and grapes, and head to your favorite spot in the park. If the park’s too crowded - or the weather too dismal - just spread a blanket on the living room floor or in your backyard. Who said you can’t picnic at home?
Movie Night
Quarantine Date Ideas - Watch A Movie Together
Most movie theaters around the country aren’t open during the pandemic, but that isn’t to say you can’t enjoy a movie night from the comfort of your own home. Some local movie theaters are offering “concessions to go” programs so that you can pick up your favorite movie theater popcorn and candy and enjoy a flick from your couch.
Netflix offers plenty of movie options - and if you’re a Netflix aficionado already, you might want to take things up a notch and consider installing Netflix Party. This is a Chrome extension that optimizes your video playback and can synchronize it (and add group chat functions!) to anything you want to watch on Netflix.
The benefit? You can watch a movie with your sweetheart no matter how far they are away from you physically. You’ll love bonding over the scariest parts of the new horror flick or giggling at the stale jokes in your favorite classic comedy.
Home Wine Tasting
If you and your loved one like to imbibe from time to time, signing up for a wine tasting club is a great way to pass the time during quarantine. You can also just head to the liquor store and grab a few bottles of your own. You’ll love playing sommelier as you swirl your classes and try to detect notes!
Wine not your thing? You can do this with craft beer or whiskey, too - feel free to get creative!
Spa Night
There’s never been a better reason to pamper yourself - so indulge a little! Set up a spa night with your favorite self-care products. Draw a bath, put on your favorite mask or cream, put cucumbers over your eyes, the works. Wrap things up with relaxing massage and you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to unwind with your favorite person in the world.
Order Takeout
Earlier, we recommended cooking together as a form of date night escapism during the pandemic. However, if you find yourself growing sick of the same old recipes, why not shake things up and order in instead? Grab some takeout from your favorite local restaurant - or perhaps from one you have yet to try. All That time you would have spent cooking can then be spent on something else, like taking a leisurely walk together.
Clean Together
Date Ideas - Why Not Clean The House Together
Hear us out - we know this one doesn't sound romantic, but it can be. There’s something to be said about dedicating time together to cross a certain task off your to-do list. There are always dishes to do, a closet that needs organizing, or a load of trash that needs to be taken to the landfill. While it might not sound romantic, the satisfaction you get from feeling as though all the boxes are checked off will allow you to connect over a shared goal - and grow closer to each other as a result.
Take a Walk Together
Of course, there’s nothing quite like a leisurely walk to help you unwind with your honey, either. Not only are walks a great form of exercise, but they’ll give you a way to get some fresh air together and perhaps to see new areas of your neighbor that you haven’t yet explored together.
When you can get outside for a breath of fresh air together, be sure to take the opportunity to do so. It’s a worthy use of your time even if you are only going for a quick jaunt around the block. Wall to a place you love,whether it’s your favorite park, a landmark, or the best little coffee shop in your neighborhood.
Play Board Games – Like Scrabble
There are all kinds of board games you can play to help pass the time together, too. Speed puzzling is one option - you can set a timer and try to complete a jigsaw puzzle as quickly as possible (for bonus points, get two of the same puzzle and race to see who can complete theirs the fastest!). Set a timer and make sure there are no interruptions or distractions - no television, no cell phones, just the two of you and the clock.
Do An Online Workout Class
Breaking a sweat is way more enjoyable when you’re doing it by the side of the person you love the most in the world! There are all kinds of online workout classes available, from those geared toward beginners as well as those that are significantly more advanced.
No matter what kind of category you put yourself in, taking an online workout class is a fun way to pass the time. If you’re not in the mood to workout, that’s understandable - but know that the many benefits of workout out may get you in a better mood and feeling closer to your partner to boot.
Still thinking you’re not into formal exercise? No sweat - well, some sweat. Why don’t you just rely on your favorite fallback workout - and get intimate together? Chances are, if you’ve been stuck in quarantine for some time, you already know how stale things can get in the bedroom department. It’s amazing how you can be stuck in confinement with someone for months and have nary a touch! Carve out some time for intimacy and don’t wait until the bimonthly date night rolls around if you don’t want to.
Get the Whole Gang Involved
Has your significant other met the rest of the people in your life yet, like your friends, family, and quarantine-mates? If not, you might want to take the opportunity of quarantine to do so! Sure, it might be a little stressful, but if nothing else, introducing your new sweetie to the other people in your life over Skype or FaceTime might be the way to go. If things get awkward, you can always take him or her for a virtual tour around your quarantine pad!
Help Remove Emotional Distance With These Quarantine Date Ideas
Whether it’s a casual game night at home or a relaxed, romantic meal by the fireplace, hopefully, these quarantine date ideas can help you remove some of the emotional distance between you and your loved one.
After all, just because you’re trying to practice good social distance doesn’t mean you want to create a bigger divide between you and your spouse or partner. Consider giving some of these date ideas a try to spice up your love life - and keep things going strong no matter what.
Rebekah Pierce is a professional social blogger and has worked on several online publications including Citrus Sleep. Rebekah is an experienced content writer and copyeditor. You will find many of her works throughout that cover a wide array of subjects including sleep education, natural, sleep products, electronics, fashion and many more. She is passionate about her work and family.
Follow Lisa at Rebekah Pierce