The Ideal Room Temperature for Better Sleep: What You Need to Know

There are plenty of other changes you can make to help ensure you get better-quality sleep throughout all seasons of the year - and room temperatures! For starters, make sure you keep your room dark. You should consider your bedroom to be a caveat night when you head to bed. Cover your windows with curtains or blinds so that street lights or sunlight (particularly during the brighter summer months) doesn’t filter in.

Get rid of all those electronic devices that tend to keep you distracted right before bed. Not only should you be ditching these devices within an hour or two of bedtime anyway for better quality sleep, but the light that they emit when you’re trying to sleep can be downright invasive. The list of electronics to toss from your sleeping quarters includes computer monitors, televisions, phones, and any other device that emits a blinking light.

Setting a good sleep routine is important no matter what your sleep goals might be. Your body’s circadian rhythm is a skilled performer and will do a good job of regulating itself so that you can get healthy sleep. However, you may need to help it out by getting rid of gadgets, practicing some relaxing activities (like reading or meditation) right before bed, and making sure the room temperature where you are sleeping is at the ideal level.

Remember, your room should be between 60 and 67 degrees for healthy sleep - even if you are sharing a room with an infant. Getting quality rest is a hot topic - but remember to keep things cool for better sleep.

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