Strengthen Your Core With Top Ab Toning Workouts
Has the quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused you to gain weight? If so, you aren’t the only one - but fortunately, there are a few key core ab toning workouts you can do in your own living room.
That’s right - you don’t have to have access to a gym in order to get the exercise you need to shed unwanted pounds and stay healthy. You just need to teach yourself a few core exercises that you can add to your daily exercise rotation.
The best part about these core exercises? They can be done right in your own home gym or living room, making it easy for you to find time to work out.
Why the Core?
Your core, which most fitness experts will define as being your back and abdominal muscles, along with a few other important areas, does a pretty important job. It protects your spine and helps in everyday tasks like carrying, lifting, cleaning, and even walking.
Core Ab Workout Exercises To Consider
Even if your daily job just has you sitting at home or at your desk, you need to put in some work to make sure your core is getting stronger - and your spine is receiving the support it needs. Your core works hard all day long, whether you realize it or not.
Having a strong core can help reduce much of the lower back and hip pain that happens when your spine isn’t well-protected. If you sit on the couch too long or spend much of your day slouching, your body is going to feel the pressure eventually.
Strong core muscles can protect your spine. Your core muscles include those such as the deep ones on the side and front of your abdomen, known as the transverse abdominis, and the internal and external obliques. The rectus abdominis is another core muscle that deserves a good workout every now and then.
Fortunately, you don’t have to be a powerlifter or spend hours a day in the gym in order to get a good core workout. You just need to incorporate a few short workouts into your normal training schedule - even spending just five to ten minutes a day is enough to challenge these muscles, improve your posture, and reduce back pain.
Forearm Side Plank Twist
Just about everybody has heard of the plank, the downward-facing position that allows you to get a serious sweat on.
But have you heard of the forearm side plank twist?
In this workout, you’ll work your side muscles - the internal and external obliques. You’ll also add a twist that will give you a bit more of a workout.
To do it, start in a forearm side plank. You can do this by propping your body on your left forearm (you’ll alternate later and work the right side) with your elbow evenly stacked beneath your shoulder. Your hand should be extended in front of your body, on the floor. Extend your legs, stacking your right foot atop the left, and squeeze your abs and glutes to lift your body off the floor.
That’s the side plank position. To add the twist, you will need to make sure your right arm is behind your head, with the elbow bent and pointed toward the ceiling. Rotate your torso, bringing it toward the floor with your right elbow meeting your left hand. Do not allow your hips to drop. Your only movement should come from your core.
Then, reverse the movement to return to a starting position. Do this for a full 40 seconds, and during this second round, switch to the other side.
Plank Jack
Another alteration to the classic plank position is the plank jack. In this workout, you will begin with your palms flat on the floor and your hands shoulder-width apart. This will put you in the classic high plank position with your shoulders directly above your wrists, legs behind you, and most importantly, both your glutes and your core engaged.
Use your feet to jump in and out, like you are doing jumping jacks, but try not to let your hips and butt move up and down as you do so. Do this for 40 seconds.
This exercise is great if you want to get some cardio in, too. You’re sure to feel the heat after a few moments! Just one word of caution - as this is an anti-extension exercise you will want to try to keep your hips up rather than sinking to the floor.
Plank Lifts
Another classic variation on the plank is a plank lift. This exercise will work your entire core and hips. Get yourself into a regular plank stance, holding your whole body in a straight line while balancing your weight on your elbows and the balls of your feet. Raise your hips as high as you can and bend your body to establish an arch.
Hold this position for three seconds, then lower your hips back to the ground. You can repeat ten times for a full rep.
Reverse Crunch
The “crunch” is considered a classic exercise when it comes to toning your ab muscles, but many fitness professionals now advise against it, arguing that it’s not as effective as many people think in toning the core muscles.
The reverse crunch builds on that classic movement but adds a bit more effectiveness.
Favorite Ab Routine Workouts
To do it, you’ll lie, facing the ceiling with your knees bent 90 degrees and stacked over your hips. Lace your fingers behind your head with your elbows bent and pointed to the sides. If that’s not comfortable, you can also lay your arms on the floor, next to your sides. Engage your abdominal muscles to curl your shoulders off the floor.
Then, slowly lift your hips off the loot as you draw your knees toward your chest. Slowly lower your legs and hips back to the starting position, completing one repetition. Do this for 40 seconds.
This exercise poses several benefits. Not only does it work the core muscles located on the sides and front of your abs, but it also keeps your core engaged so it can isolate the lower core area, too.
Russian Twist
The Russian twist is another wonderful exercise to do in order to boost your core strength. Begin by sitting on the floor with your knees bent in front of you and your heels on the floor (you can flex your feet).
Hold your hands to your chest and lean back until you feel your abdominal muscles engaging. Twist your torso from left to right but do so slowly, so as not to pull a muscle. Keep your core tight and engaged, breathing deeply throughout. Do this for 40 seconds.
For an extra challenge, feel free to add a dumbbell with a weight of your own choosing. This will help keep your torso strong and make this exercise more challenging as you get stronger.
This exercise is just as simple as it sounds. You will lie on your back, stretching your legs out straight and lifting your arms above your head. Slowly lift your arms and legs, bending at the waist and creating a V shape as you reach your hands toward your feet. Repeat.
Butterfly Crunches
You have probably gathered by now that there are dozens of variations on the classic crunch. Another option that you can try is the butterfly crunch.
You get to lay on your bed for this one! In this exercise, you will lie on your back as you keep the soles of your feet pressed together. Gently lift your legs as high off the bed as you can, creating a butterfly shape as you do so. You’ll crunch upward toward your legs and repeat the process ten times for a full repetition.
Heel-on-Knee Crunches
This is another easy variation on the classic crunch. Start by lying on your back, bending your knees and positioning the heel of your left foot on your right knee. Lift your feet off the bed and draw your knees up while you lift your shoulders off the bed. You’ll crunch down toward your knees as you do so.
This is a pretty low-effort ab exercise, so you should be able to do it a couple dozen times before you really start to feel it.
Slow Roll-Ups
Fruit Roll-Ups might be tasty to snack on, but slow roll-ups are the exercises you need to be doing if you want to score some enviable-looking abs.
In this exercise, you’ll lie flat on your bed with your legs stretched out straight and your arms above your head. As slowly as you can, lift yourself into a sitting position, reaching your arms downward as you do so (as if to touch your toes).
Slowly count to five, lowering yourself back onto the bed in a flattened position. Repeat this ten times for a complete repetition.
Pillow Prop
This is an easy exercise that requires you to stack two pillows at the foot of your bed (yes, another cozy bedtime exercise!). Lie with your back flat on the bed, keeping your feet elevated and your arms crossed over your chest. Inhale deeply, drawing your stomach toward your back.
Exhale as you press your upper body out toward your feet, then inhale again as you lie down once more. Relax, then repeat five times. This is a great exercise to do before bed, as it is calming and not overly strenuous!
X Plank
Ab Crunches Positive Workout Results
No doubt, you’re sick of hearing about plank variations - but this is yet another option you’ve got to try for some seriously chiseled abs. To do this, you'll lie on your stomach just as you would in a typical plank, lifting up on your elbows and toes. Spread your legs as wide as you can, holding your body as straight as possible in this position.
Try to hold for at least fifteen seconds - but try to build up and do it progressively longer as you strengthen your body.
Roundhouse Kicks
This core ab toning workout might sound a bit aggressive, but truthfully, it’s a great way to tone your core - and perhaps get out some of that pent-up aggression, too!
You’ll lie on your back and put your hands flat down on the bed, with the palms pressed down on the bed. Keep your legs straight, lifting your leg off the bed and rotating it in the widest circle possible. Bring your foot down, around to the side, and then back to the center. As you are rotating your foot, keep your abdominal muscles tight to control the rotation of your foot.
In essence, it will feel like you’re kicking an invisible assailant in the air! You can do this ten times before switching to the other leg.
Complete A Solid Workout Routine With Core Ab Toning Exercises
Consider combining both movement-based and stability-based exercises, as described above, as you design your own functional ab core workout. This combination will best replicate the movements you need to make in your day-to-day activities. Remember, your core is constantly at work, whether that’s through dynamic motion or isometrics. Even something as simple as lifting your groceries and loading them into your car requires core strength.
A circuit-style workout that incorporates all of these exercises above, ideally with a 40-seconds-on and 20-seconds-off approach will give your body the workout it needs coupled with the rest it deserves. That way, you can work as hard as possible during those 40 seconds without getting overly fatigued.
You can even couple these exercises with a solid strength training or cardio routine, helping you to torch calories and lose weight while you’re at it!
We all have the same number of hours available to us in a day. How are you spending your time?
Doing these core exercises while you’re stuck in quarantine can help you get the exercise you need, which will not only help you keep your weight in check but also keep your immune system functioning at its absolute best. Plus, you’ll benefit from a boost of energy so you can get back to work - all without leaving the comfort of your living room. Who doesn’t love that?
Jessica Lauren is Founder, contributing Author and Owner of Citrus Sleep. Citrus Sleep is an online publication that highlights brands, sleep products, women’s fashion, subscription services and ideas creating positive social change and promoting a healthy lifestyle. After spending nearly a decade working in PR and marketing for several brands and startups, Jessica knows what truly drives conversions, sold-out launches and guest posts.
Follow Jessica at @jessicalaurencs | Jessica Lauren