Sleep regression is a serious issue for many parents as it means nothing but more sleepless nights. However, the good news is, sleep regression is normal in babies and while it can be frustrating, it is typically no cause for alarm. The best thing you can try to do is to take it in stride, sleep when you can and keep our tips in mind for surviving sleep regression issues. Remember, sleep regression is not permanent, and like all difficult stages with little ones—it too will pass.
Read moreHow Sleep Can Have An Impact On Athletes and Performance
Every athlete, whether no matter how old or young, amateur or professional—should be aware of the importance of sleep on their athletic performance, safety and overall wellbeing. While being an athlete has so many great physical, mental and social benefits, it can also be very hard on the body. The more you know about the importance of sleep and what it can mean for you as an athlete, the better.
Read moreIs Sleeping With a Fan Good or Bad for Your Health?
The only individuals that should be warned against using a fan at night are those who could see their health suffer as a result. If allergies or asthma are flaring up and the tips above aren’t correcting the problem, sleeping with a fan on could be the problem. For most people, there is no danger in sleeping with a fan on at night. Choosing the right fan, keeping the room clean, and keeping moisture in the air can create a more comfortable and serene environment to help you sleep peacefully all night.
Read moreA Closer Look Into Sleepwalking
While sleepwalking may seem comical in television or movies, this condition is no laughing matter. Sleep walking can be very serious and people who get up and do activities in this state are at risk for accidentally hurting themselves or others if they aren’t careful. This is why it is so important for those who sleepwalk, or who have children who sleepwalk to understand what the causes, symptoms and potential treatments for this condition are.
Read moreCan You Learn Anything While You Sleep?
We spend a lot of our lives sleeping. In fact, the average adult will spend about 1/3 of their life asleep, so it is very refreshing to know that during that time we aren’t just “shutting off” we may be learning while we sleep. Our brains are doing a great deal including how we function and learn. While we may not technically be learning something brand new from scratch, we are still processing information while we rest.
Read moreWhat is Shift Work Sleep Disorder?
The more you know about Shift Work Sleep Disorder, the better off you will be. Being able to understand and diagnose sleep disorders and this condition can help you find the right way to overcome it. After all, we all need between 7-9 hours of sleep per night and this sleep condition can have a serious impact on the quality of sleep you are able to get every night. Getting ahead of this sleep condition can help you get better, more restful and more restorative sleep every night—even if you must continue working in the evenings.
Read moreWhy Do We Sleep?
The more you know about sleep and why we sleep—the better prepared you will be to make sure you are getting the quality sleep that you need and deserve. Sleep is very important, and if you are struggling to get enough sleep every night or feel as though you still wake up feeling tired or groggy when you sleep—you may want to visit your doctor for further diagnosis and information.
Read moreWhat's Your Natural Sleep Routine?
These sleep tips can help you get some better shut-eye and into a healthy sleep routine, but if you suffer from insomnia then it’s a good idea to talk to your primary care doctor and sleep specialist. There may be underlying health issues that are causing poor sleep quality such as sleep apnea or even certain medications. In addition to these tips, there are also over-the-counter sleep aids that you could use such as melatonin - which helps reset your natural circadian rhythm - and sleeping pills. As with the above, you should speak to your doctor before using these aids, especially if you are taking other medication or have other health issues.
Read moreSleep Stages- What Are They?
Understanding your sleep cycles and what happens when you fall out of those sleep cycles is an important part of understanding your own sleep patterns and habits. If you feel as though you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, or the sleep that you are getting isn’t leaving you feeling rested and restored—you may want to talk to a doctor or sleep specialist. They can help track your sleep cycle and determine if there is something that is getting in the way of you getting that restorative sleep that you need.
Read moreTop Meditation Sounds To Help Improve Sleep Quality
There are many reasons why people aren’t getting enough sleep which range from intentional (trying to squeeze the most out of every day) to unintentional due to family obligations or work demands. With the rise of smartphones, sleep deprivation has only increased as people constantly have a source of entertainment and information at their fingertips. Add onto that the effect that blue light from the phones has on the natural circadian rhythm and you have a recipe for disaster. While it’s been shown that meditation sounds and music can definitely help you get to sleep, there can be underlying health reasons for why you’re not getting a good night’s sleep such as sleep apnea or other health issues. If you’re experiencing persistent insomnia, your best course of action is to speak to your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment options.
Read moreTop Tips For Sleeping Better at College
If you are struggling to get enough quality sleep at college, keep these safe and natural tips in mind. If you are diligent, they can go a long way in helping you change your sleep habits for the better so you can get the quality rest you need to do your best at college. If you take these tips to heart and still are struggling to get enough sleep, then it may be time for you to contact your doctor. They can help provide you with the professional advice that you need to start getting the sleep you are looking for.
Read moreUnderstanding Melatonin A Sleep Aid Option
There are dozens, even hundreds, of sleep aids on the market today. You may be familiar with prescription aids and over the counter aids, and you’ve likely heard of melatonin. Melatonin isn’t a sleeping pill that’s meant to make you drowsy. Instead, the supplement works to help your body distinguish between time for wakefulness and time for rest. For that reason, melatonin may be an effective solution for people who suffer insomnia or other sleep disorders.
Read moreBest Relaxing Sounds to Help You Sleep
Getting enough sleep at night is important, but it can also be quite difficult. This is why adding the right relaxing sleep sounds and white noise to your nightly routine can help. While you may not understand the full power of the right relaxing sleep sounds, until you try them—they can be a great way to help you relax, unwind and finally get the rest that you have been looking for. There is no risk in giving this approach a try, now all you need to do is determine which relaxing sleep sound you want to try first.
Read moreBest Sleep Positions
When you drift off to sleep at night, take a moment to think more about these best sleeping positions. The right sleep position can really impact the quality of sleep that you get at night. While it can take some time to get used to, changing up your sleep position can help alleviate certain issues and discomforts and help you get the most of the time that you do have at night to get some sleep.
Read moreHow Much Sleep Do We Really Need?
Getting enough sleep at night can be much more difficult than it seems. However, by making the effort to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night can go a long way in helping you look and feel your best. Remember, if you are struggling with fatigue, weight gain, dark circles, or any other number of different health issues and feel you are not getting enough sleep at night—making this type of positive change can go a long way in helping you get and stay healthy. We all lead busy lives and all feel as though we don’t have any extra time to spare, but if you can make more room for quality sleep, you surely will love all of the benefits that it brings.
Read moreThe Truth About Beauty Sleep
A great beauty routine is an important way to help anyone feel and look their best. While creams, lotions and treatments can be effective and can help you in certain ways, there is no replacement for a good night’s sleep. Changing up your routine to make sure that you can get 7-9 hours of sleep per night can make all of the difference in your beauty regimen—and it can help you feel better too. So, if you have been trying all of these topical treatments and finding that you simply aren’t seeing the results that you wish you were, go ahead and give beauty sleep a try. Adding just a few hours of sleep per night will not only help you feel healthy from the inside, but look healthy and beautiful from the outside as well.
Read moreSleeping With Socks
When choosing what to wear to sleep, there are many people who choose to sleep with their socks on. The thing to remember about sleeping with socks on is about more than just keeping your feet warm at night—there are actually a number of proven benefits that come with sleeping with socks on. If you have been considering sleeping with socks on, we have curated a comprehensive collection of the most pertinent facts about sleeping with socks on so you can decide if sleeping with socks on is the right solution for you.
Read moreSleep Guide For Healthy Quality Sleep You Deserve
Sleep is vital to your health and creating a non-toxic, eco-friendly and inviting sleep space will only help to refresh your body and mind when the day is over . Incorporating healthy sleep habits to help you fall asleep, improving your sleep quality hygiene and treating yourself to an earth-friendly space will do wonders for your health and your overall well-being.
Read moreThe Relationship Between Anxiety and Sleep
Sleep issues and anxiety tend to go hand-in-hand. Both are serious on their own and each can make the other worse. This is why if you are suffering from either sleep or anxiety, you should make sure that you not only understand what is going on, get a diagnosis and then ultimately get the help that you need. Both sleep issues and anxiety can take over your life and prevent you from living the life that you want. Keep these tips in mind if you are worried about your sleep and anxiety issues so you can start getting your life back.
Read moreSleepy Ideas For Babies
Every new parent knows that when you have a new baby, baby sleep is going to be hard to come by. Babies aren’t going to be on the same sleep schedule as their parents right away, and many babies struggle with getting on a sleep schedule when they first enter into the world. While this is relatively normal, in most situations, it doesn’t mean there aren’t things that you can do as a parent to help your child get better sleep at night. Keep these tips in mind if you are struggling to help your baby get more sleep and remember, when in doubt, always go to your pediatrician for help to make sure you are doing the most you can and the best you can for your little one.
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