Scents That Help You Sleep: Relaxing Aromas for Better Rest and Relaxation

All of the scents mentioned above are not only safe to use, but they’re a viable alternative to commonly prescribed sleep aids. They’re easy to find and to use - all you have to do is pick up a bottle of the essential oils and use them in a diffuser. If you don’t want to go through the effort of using a diffuser, many can even just be sprayed on your pillow or sheets.

Some other options? Many of these scents can be used in your cooking or in teas. Some can be found in beauty products or extracts or even burned to help improve your sleep quality and reduce nighttime disruptions. You can even grow many of these, such as jasmine and lavender, as plants or dab the essential oils on your skin. Taking a bath with a few drops of essential oil or using fabric fresheners, candles, or air fresheners with these scents is another good way to expose your body to their sleep-restoring benefits.

Whichever you choose, make sure you do so. Scents really can make you sleepy - and can lead to a better night of sleep, too.

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Is snoring ruining your sleep?

Make sure you’re keeping track of your sleep patterns so that you can take the most effective steps to stop your snoring for good. Keeping a sleep diary can help - your partner can help you complete it. If you sleep alone, you can even set up a camera to track your patterns. Whatever you do, know that you don’t have to suffer in (not so) silence. Snoring is a common issue - it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, but it’s smart to seek a solution to your nightly problem.

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Beyond The Thread Count – What To Look For When Buying Sheets

Headed out to buy some new bedding? If so, don’t let thread count be your only indicator of quality. While price, color, and other factors are likely to play a role in the purchase of new sheets, you should also consider the bedding buying guide above.

Be wary of sheets that seem to have excessively high thread count numbers. This can be indicative of false advertising. If you find a 1200 thread count sheet set, for instance, and it’s being sold for $100, then it likely is not the bargain that you think it is. Like everything else in life if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Thread count is far from the only variable that should make its way into your decision-making process. Consider a multitude of variables to find the perfect set of sheets - each and every time.

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Is Binge Watching Bad For Your Overall Health and Sleep?

Binge watching on xfinity stream or the best shows on Netflix might seem like a harmless activity, but it can lead to a host of short- and long-term health issues. There’s still research in the works when it comes to the long-term effects and causes of binge-watching, but it’s never a bad idea to limit your TV consumption. If you need help setting up healthy boundaries with your TV habits or just want to set up a better daily routine, it’s best to speak to a doctor or trained professional for advice as they can help you on your journey.

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What Are The Best Times To Sleep and Wake Up

Ultimately, the best time to sleep and wake up depends on you. If your work starts at 9 am and you need two hours to eat, get ready, and travel to work, then you’ll need to wake up at 7 am. From there, you can figure out what time you should go to bed based on your needs. Maybe you’re okay with less than 7 hours of sleep or maybe you need more. Everything is customizable based on your requirements. The hardest part is sticking to a consistent schedule and not straying from it. That means no more staying up until 2 am and sleeping in on the weekends.

While everyone’s sleep schedule will vary, if you are struggling to fall or stay asleep throughout the night, you should see your doctor. There may be an underlying cause such as sleep apnea or other health issues. If you are taking medication, you should check to see if the side effects include trouble sleeping and then ask your doctor if there’s another option.

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How Sleep Supports Your Child’s Growth and Development

It can be tough to find time for adequate sleep - that’s something that you probably know well as an adult, and it’s even more true for kids. After all, your child probably has a busy day as it is. From doing his homework to going to school, attending sports practice, and hanging out with friends, your child has a lot on his plate.

However, at the end of the day, it’s essential to help your child get the sleep his body deserves - and needs. You need sleep in order to survive. Good parenting is about helping your child get that sleep, no matter what.

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Mattress Disposal Guide

Whether you are moving, investing in a new mattress for your home, or want to upgrade the size of your current mattress—if you are looking to replace your old mattress with a new one, it is important to know what to do with that old mattress. There are proper ways to find a mattress removal service for mattress disposal and mattress recycling. A local church or a neighbor can help you take in and donate your mattress. Use this mattress disposal guide to help you navigate the many different options available that fits your needs best.

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Why Sleep is Important on Vacation

Sleep is an important function in everyone’s life and while it might be tempting to cram as many activities as possible on vacation, you should take time to relax. When planning your vacation, focus on going to a coupe must-see locations a day and giving yourself time to breathe for the additional free time you have. When you don’t have to run around from 6am-11pm you’ll find vacations much more enjoyable.

Like you would at home, follow a sleep schedule so you’re not exhausted the entire vacation. In fact, vacations are a perfect time to adjust your regular sleep schedule as there are no distractions or pressing deadlines you need to worry about. Focus on readjusting your internal clock and use the vacation to figure out how much sleep you need and your perfect bedtime. From there, just sit back and relax!

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The Truth About CBD Oil and Sleep

If you’re considering CBD (Cannabidiol) for sleep, you undoubtedly want to know, simply, does it work? Well, as we’ve mentioned throughout this guide, CBD has been shown in preliminary studies to effectively work to help you sleep. It’s a natural painkiller and provides benefits to your mental and emotional well being. So, even if CBD itself doesn’t put you to sleep, it will put your mind and body in a place where you’re more readily able to relax. We’ve also mentioned several times that it’s critical that you speak with a health care provider before beginning to take CBD. The oil has not yet been fully researched, and may interact with your existing physical and mental conditions, as well as reduce the efficacy or counteract your existing medications.

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